[RFI] Update: Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI

D C _Mac_ Macdonald k2gkk at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 17 22:31:35 EST 2019

How about forwarding a copy of that attorney letter to all of us so that we can modify as appropriate for local use?

73 de Mac, K2GKK/5​
Since 30 Nov 1953​
Oklahoma City, OK​
USAF, Retired ('61-'81)​
FAA, Retired ('94-'10)​

From: RFI <rfi-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of Gary Smith <wa6fgi at steeltrails.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 13:00
To: rfi at contesting.com <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] Update: Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI

To all:

It was an entirely different issue with an adjoining county's board of
s(t)upes, they were hemming and hawing with our r/c club over .01 cent
things until I finally took the lead and  had an attorney friend write a
letter the the county board.

It got results, in the end all were happy and they
uninformed/misinformed got a education.

Sometimes you have to go to the sharks and give them some fun things to do.

My hope is that the issues get resolved, ther's only one solar array in
my neighbor hood and he finnaly shut it down,


On 12/16/2019 2:39 PM, Dale Johnson wrote:
> The person is a public relations worker and it's their job to deflect problems away from the company that they work for.
> Hire an attorney, explain the situation to the attorney and suggest they write a letter on the attorney’s letterhead explaining to the CEO or owner the stituation and for the need to have a meeting at your place with he or she and technical representitives to find a resolution to the problem.  See what happns.
> Interview a few lawyers until you find one that understands the problem.  Yes, the lawyers don’t work cheap.
> Dale k9vuj

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