[RFI] Solar Panel RFI Update From Tesla: 12/26/19

EDWARDS, EDDIE J eedwards at oppd.com
Fri Dec 27 11:06:44 EST 2019

Jim's statement was perfectly clear in caps.  But I can't make heads or tails from the response.  

The previous statement's from Ed at ARRL Labs also indicate that solar vendors are initially working with hams to resolve new installation issues albeit at a very slow pace in some cases.  At this stage, the squeaky wheel will get the oil and hopefully a real resolution.  

It's the longer term problems in the future which I've already posted about that are the most worrisome issue post solar installation and years later.  Who pays for the solar RFI resolution then?  And will the FCC enforce Part 15 harmful interference rules as those cases begin to appear in the future and under a pro-solar government/administration?  Or will HF ham radio slowly become a thing of the past?  

These are my long-term concerns.  

73, de ed -K0iL

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI <rfi-bounces+eedwards=oppd.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of KD7JYK DM09
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 2:54 AM

"They are not the OPERATOR, they are the MFR, and the Rules hold the OPERATOR responsible."

I see now...

Talking to those that aren't responsible, and asking those that can't enforce, to talk to those obligated to nobody.

No wonder we can't get anything done any more!


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