[RFI] Local 1/3 duty cycle EMI

JW jwin95 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 23 11:25:40 EDT 2019

 What does it sound like in AM mode?

At this point it doesn't match anything I'm familiar with or tracked down in the past.

de Jim WB5WPA

     On Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 9:59:36 AM GMT-5, Dan K2YWE <dan.k2ywe at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Here is a sample of one of the noises that plague me. The video is of 20M,
but It can be heard up through 10m and down to 40m, worst on 20m. It peaks
to the NE (lucky me).  The period varies from 40-60 secs, but the duty
cycle seems to always be 33%.
Any ideas what kind of noisemaker I should be looking for? Is this what
proportional control fan inverters behave like?


TIA, Dan

Dan Zeitlin - K2YWE
South Shore ARC - K3AU
Annapolis, Maryland
dan z website <http://danzee.org>
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