[RFI] NA6O RFI web page

Gary Johnson gwj at wb9jps.com
Tue Jun 4 13:21:57 EDT 2019

I have a fairly new RFI page, featuring a few of things that might be of 


- A homebrew wideband LISN so that I can do pre-qualification FCC Part 
15/18 testing in my own lab. Uniquely, I added a wideband current 
transformer so that I also do common-mode measurements. If anyone wants 
to build one, let me know.

- Construction of a simple hand-held resonant loop antenna for RFI hunting

- A presentation called "Severe RFI: Neighbors, ARRL, FCC and Me" that I 
give to local clubs.

- Recommendations and detailed reports on RFI from specific models of 
LED lights (and other devices as I might test them in the future).

-Gary NA6O

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