[RFI] Ut oh. VisionSolar is parked next door.

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 13:18:32 EST 2020

Might well work!  And, further, this could *not* be construed by the FCC as
"malicious interference".

When solar begins to interfere with FAA, public service, emergency
responders, hospitals, John Law,  the military, satellites, clandestine
comms., and who knows what else, then and only then will the useless FCC be
forced to do something about it.  By that time, amateur radio at HF
frequencies will be dead.

I'm sure glad my other hobby is radio astronomy which forces us to live
well away from population centers!!!!

Dave - WØLEV

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 6:07 PM Gary Smith <wa6fgi at steeltrails.net> wrote:

> Regarding solar systems being mandated by the Government (Washington) it
> is already mandated on ALL new home construction in California.
> I could beat this dead horse myself `cept for the fact it has been beat
> to death prior to my showing up.
> Sad to say, the only thing to do might be to get a 1kw station in mobile
> operation and drive into a fully roof paneled neighborhood, then on 75
> mtrs have a chat for say, an hour or so before moving on. In the dead of
> night, this might raise up a few folk.
> Gary...wa6fgi
> On 12/16/2020 9:14 PM, Tony wrote:
> > On 12/16/2020 10:26 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> >> I'm not intending this to be politically partisan so don't read that
> >> into it:  Solar panel energy is going to become much more ubiquitous
> >> because laws will be passed mandating solar panels on new home
> >> construction.  This will come from Washington.
> >
> > You hit the nail on the head Bob. The Green New Deal is a potential
> > nightmare for hams.
> >
> > Tony -K2MO
> >
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*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*

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