[RFI] Noise centered around 20 meters

ROLAN CLARK rolan.clark at comcast.net
Sat May 23 20:35:52 EDT 2020

Gary and all,

Curious, have you tried google earth to look at the location where the noise may be coming from.  If solar panels are there they may have been there when the google earch picture was taken.

Do you  think it gets less at he end of the  band you are listening due the the selectivity on ur rx/antenna?
Does it show up on other bands.
The repition 'pulsing' rate sounds close to 60 hz.

I had my computer play a 60zh square wave and it sounds the same rep rate to me.

Some more ideaa 
73 de rolan  wa3pbc

> On May 23, 2020 at 9:45 AM Gary <gary_mayfield at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
>                 I don't work a lot of 20 meters, but was thinking I might use it during Field Day for a 1E operation. I have some 'noise' that starts around 11 MHz and gets stronger as I tune up the band. It is about S8-S9 across all of 20 meters and finally plays out around 15.600 MHz. I made a video showing the issue and placed it on Youtube here:
> https://youtu.be/HD3sH-YjdyE
>                 I have preformed tests turning the breakers off to my home one at a time as well as turning the master breaker off and running the radio from a battery. The noise is unchanged by this. The noise is there 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
>                 The antenna is a simple ground mounted vertical in my backyard.
>                 Any and all help and suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks and 73,
> Gary "Joe" kk0sd
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