[RFI] Sometimes you get lucky update (160 meters RFI from PC power supply).

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 22:13:35 EDT 2020

A few weeks ago I posted that I had tracked down RFI on 160 meters
repeating every 16 KHz to a home that belonged to a non active ham located
0.20 miles from my QTH.  The homeowner thought the RFI was originating from
his desktop PC power supply based on the times I reported the interference
was present.  He said he had previously purchased a new power supply for
his computer because he was "hearing power supply noise" in his computer
speakers, but he had not yet installed the new power supply.  He has now
replaced the power supply, and this eliminated the RFI I was encountering.
Below is a link to a youtube video I just uploaded documenting the RFI for
those interested.


I should note that I used HDSDR software with my dongle SDR receiver and
ham it up converter to view the RFI, and I used the HDSDR recorder
scheduler to record the RF spectrum on the top of every hour for 10
seconds, and then I was able to go back and determine when the RFI started
and stopped which helped the homeowner identify the source of RFI.

Don (wd8dsb)

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