[RFI] Request For Comment (2nd Post)

Karin Johnson karinann at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Oct 27 09:44:41 EDT 2020

Hello Group:

This is second try to post.  First one never showed on list(sent on 10/21).

I've posted in the past about RFI from a new RHEEM A/C system.  I am posting
two links to Google Drive, which are power point documents.  One of them I
Posted previously, the RFI Spectrum Analyzer photos.  The second document I
Just created with some pictures of the board layouts in the outside A/C
Compressor unit.  

I would very much like to get some feedback from the list about the issues I
have regarding the wiring layout shown in the pictures.  I know I can't
Encompass all of the possible issues shown in the pictures but I have tried
To list a few.

The main reason for posting is that I don't have any knowledgeable
individuals, or other ham folks who might understand some of the issues
Involved in controlling RFI/EMI, that live locally who I can communicate
with.  This list has been helpful in the past And I hope will be helpful in
the course of solving my problem with this Unit.  I am working now with the
installer company and hope to have better Cooperation with them.  


Here are the two links to Google Drive:


1 - CompressorElectronics Link


2 - RFISpectrum Link



Karin Anne Johnson  P.E.  K3UU

Palm Harbor,FL



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