[RFI] KC2IEB’s RFI Journey

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Fri Apr 16 22:12:50 EDT 2021

This instructable provides some additional theory, and practical 


Cool stuff!

> On 4/16/21 9:09 PM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote: The original design is here:  > > 
 > > Hi all! I ended up splurging on this doohickey - >> 
https://mfjenterprises.com/products/mfj-5008 . It's an ultra-sonic >> 
receiver that purports "to pick up the noise generated by the >> corona 
discharge and arcing connections". For those who may not be >> following 
my saga, I determined using a portable SDR radio that >> the same noise 
that obliterates 40m up through 10m comes strongest >> from one of two 
electric poles near my house. No other poles >> exhibit the noise. Using 
the MFJ-5008, I immediately heard a very >> strong ringing from one of 
the two poles, which doesn't show up >> when I point it at other poles, 
houses, etc. There's a little sight >> hole you can use to pinpoint the 
noise, which I did - it seems near >> the top of the pole is where the 
sound is loudest. Very easy to >> use, and seemed to work as advertised. 
Totally understand why this >> is expensive, it's a very niche item. 
I'll need to find a lot of >> RFI to make up the price tag, but 
additional evidence helps! >> >> I called the power company, who 
initially said they'd have a crew >> out in 4 hours. After days with no 
visit, and numerous calls to >> PSEG, they have no information to 
provide. I filed a complaint >> with the NJ Board of Public Utilities 
asking that they follow up >> with PSEG and compel them to consider my 
complaint. If anyone has >> a contact with PSEG, I'd really appreciate a 
connection off list. >> >> If folks are interested, I'll try to make a 
little video of using >> the device. Also, if you're in the Southern NJ 
area and need to >> borrow it, I accept beer! :) >> >> Thanks again for 
the help and moral support! >> >> 73 Chris KC2IEB

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