[RFI] Anyone tested the Sunpower E-series 435 PV Panels?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Aug 28 01:16:52 EDT 2021

On 8/27/2021 6:24 PM, Michael Carter wrote:
> The PV modules themselves are not noisy - from
> the ad you linked it does not appear that
> the pallet of panels is accompanied by an
> inverter or micro-inverters.  The PV modules
> generate DC - it's the inverter/microinverters
> that generate switching noise,

Efficient charge regulators pulse the DC, so its a rectangular wave. And 
that pulsed DC is FULL of very strong harmonics unless the design is 
very well suppressed. I know of only one product line that is clean 
enough to be used near ham antennas, and even then, common mode chokes 
may be required, depending on proximity and frequencies of interest. In 
addition, the DC line should ALWAYS be twisted pair, and the twisted 
pair must be maintained around a series loop of batteries and panels.

The quiet controllers I've found carry the Genasun brand, and they are 
MPPT types sized for pretty small systems. There may be others, but I 
haven't needed to research the issue, because my very tall redwoods 
severely limit the solar illumination.

73, Jim K9YC

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