[RFI] FW: Sweden imposes higher levy on electricity bills for EMC | Southgate Amateur Radio News

MICHAEL ST ANGELO mstangelo at comcast.net
Thu Dec 30 11:41:23 EST 2021

Agreed. Keep in mind that Amateur Radio is not was it used to be.  It is not longer considers an emergency service. Most people are surprised it still exists or comment the Hams they know are grumpy old men. I am a retired EE after 40 years. When I started it was considered an asset when pursuing a technical career. This is not longer the case.
This is a hobby. What is our justification - we need a low noise floor to work DX or rack up points in a contest?

People and governments will react if it will affect Government, consumer and commercial services. I feel the best way of expressing our concern is to act as "the canary in the coalmine" and warn people that they may not be affected now but will in the future.  

Mike N2MS

> On 12/30/2021 10:56 AM Dave <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:

> The reality is that we are a small group of people, (today), complaining 
> about RFI, and we have very little power.  Most of the power we have, is 
> vested in the ARRL and their efforts to solve the EMI issues.
> The real problem--  no one but us, and a few vendors, care about this 
> issue because EMI issues are not affecting more people.
> Until EMI starts killing off TV and Cell coverage, (OMG we won't see the 
> Crab Fishing show this week), for a lot more people on a regular basis, 
> this will not change.  We will be fighting an uphill battle with very 
> little power until then.

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