[RFI] Tracking Electrical Interference in 1924

Mike Martin mike at rfiservices.com
Wed Jan 27 14:03:03 EST 2021

I've done similar things as Paul has and I always make it a point to show the people that are living in the house now. I've lived in a couple of places I always wanted to know the history of. A year or so ago I went to my childhood home and knocked on the door and talked to the new owner. My knowledge of the home and didn't where his began. I was able to bring back some memories that were very interesting. I would bet that those people would love to know that there was an article involving their house published in a magazine.

⁣Happy 2021,
Mike k3RFI

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On Jan 27, 2021, 9:07 AM, at 9:07 AM, Paul Christensen <pchristensen at ieee.org> wrote:
>Using Brigg's description of the arcing street light location (i.e.,
>2nd pole on School St. off Washington), the pole location and
>surrounding neighborhood can be easily seen using Google street maps. 
>In those old neighborhoods, it's highly likely that even though the
>wood poles have been changed through the years, the pole positions
>mostly remained the same.  
>Last year, I attended a funeral of a childhood friend in Dwight, IL. 
>On that visit, I searched for the home of G. Wiley Bergman, 9CA.  Wiley
>was a prolific spark operator in the early '20s.  Bergman's station was
>described in a 1923 issue of QST.  Taking that issue with me, I located
>the home and found the antenna lead-in entry point, just as shown in
>the QST photos.   The house looks the same today as it did in 1923. 
>QST photos also show placement of several utility poles.  I compared
>placement against the photos, and they're at the same locations today. 
>Paul, W9AC  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stephanie WX3K <wx3k at ptd.net>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:03 PM
>To: Paul Christensen <pchristensen at ieee.org>
>Cc: RFI at contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [RFI] Tracking Electrical Interference in 1924
>Thank you for sharing this. Interesting how we can point to this as
>another example of our “expertise” way back then !
>Stephanie WX3K
>> On Jan 26, 2021, at 6:54 PM, Paul Christensen <pchristensen at ieee.org>
>> For those interested, I have linked to a 1924 QST article that 
>> discusses how Perry Briggs, 1BGF (of "low-loss" tuner fame), tracked
>down an arcing street
>> lamp through the Hartford, CT neighborhoods.   Nearly 100 years
>later, we're
>> still doing the same, albeit with better tracking gear:
>> https://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/2403034.pdf
>> Paul, W9AC
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