qrv at kd4e.com
qrv at kd4e.com
Sun May 23 18:02:44 EDT 2021
Perhaps we need to bring this information before city and town councils
and request regulations that protect citizens from RFI?
It sure would not hurt to ask - especially if we demonstrate that said RFI
could interfere with emergency communications and more.
Don't allow the systems to be installed (no permits) unless they meet
Prevention rather than remediation?
> Bob,
> I developed and taught for 15 years a university-level
> engineering course on renewable energy systems
> design, which was principally devoted to PV systems
> design. Here are some recommendations if you're
> evaluating PV for your own use - getting neighbors
> to regard the RFI issues with the same degree of
> seriousness is a much stickier wicket.
> 1) Sacrifice some overall conversion efficiency by
> using a single central inverter (if your array isn't
> so large as to require paralleled inverters). Do
> NOT be sold on the use of microinverters (solar optimizers)!
> The microinverters do increase overall system conversion
> efficiency, but at the expense of adding typically
> one microinverter per PV module. That multiplies
> the RFI by the number of PV modules. The microinverters
> enable use of smaller wire gages and standard interconnect
> bus voltage (240 VAC) to the array junction box, and that
> was (and even more so now is due to copper prices) a significant
> cost-savings by not requiring custom array designs (number
> of modules per string and number of paralleled strings)
> and heavier interconnect wire gages.
> 2) A single central inverter has MPPT (maximum power point
> tracking), which is also the principal selling point for
> the microinverters (each of which has MPPT to
> extract maximum power from its PV module under
> variable illumination and partial shading conditions).
> The central inverter designs sacrifice some overall
> efficiency because they can only compensate for
> array-scale variability of the composite I-V curve
> over temperature and solar irradiance, especially
> non-uniform shading of the PV array.
> A competent PV system designer will generate a
> detailed site shading analysis for the array and will
> qualify the design's power output over the course
> of a year, then adjust the array design to ensure
> the customer's needs are met.
> 3) Insist that the inverter selected by the installer
> meet FCC Part 15, Class B radiated emission standards.
> Go further and insist that the inverter meet
> conducted RFI limits on both the DC and AC
> sides.
> Dave, W0LEV, is correct in that the FCC does not
> specifically regulate PV system RFI emissions.
> However, emissions from unintentional RF radiators
> (e.g. switch-mode DC-DC or DC-AC converters) ARE
> subject to FCC limits, and may be subject to FCC Part 18
> limits as well. I have read several web sources that
> suggest that PV systems are exempt from FCC RFI
> regulations, and this is NOT true. The PV modules
> generate DC, but the module and array interconnect
> wiring makes wonderful antennas for the switch-mode
> power converter signals if these are not filtered
> adequately for both differential- and common-mode
> signals at the switching frequency and its harmonics
> (up to the 10th harmonic or so).
> 4) Ask your installer for references to other installations
> done nearby within the past 2-3 years. Take a portable
> shortwave receiver and visit the sites during the
> day and again at night. Be sure that the installation does
> not have a battery storage unit - the central inverter or the
> battery unit itself (with self-contained inverter) will
> continue to generate RFI at night using the stored battery
> energy.
> 5) Contact the installer's preferred inverter manufacturer
> and ask if an independent testing lab has measured both
> radiated and conducted RFI. Ask for those results if
> available, and if not available, choose a different inverter
> manufacturer. Better yet, ask the manufacturer to hire
> K9YC as a design consultant!
> 73,
> Mike, K8CN
> ________________________________
> From: RFI <rfi-bounces+mike.carter=unh.edu at contesting.com> on behalf of Robert T. Devine <rtdevine at comcast.net>
> Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 3:32 PM
> To: rfi at contesting.com <rfi at contesting.com>
> Caution - External Email
> Looking for information from those that have experienced Solar Installations
> Pro's and con's appreciated
> Thanks
> Robert T. Devine, KC6AWX
> Manager, ARRL 6th District Incoming QSL Bureau
> "Save a Life...Become an Organ Donor"
> 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you
> meet is fighting some kind of battle.'
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