[RFI] Crepe Myrtle growing into power pole RFI Why?

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Wed May 26 13:18:44 EDT 2021

The noise at the crepe myrtle, now trimmed away from the pole, is still 
gone. Only thing I can theorize is that it was a combination of perfect 
conditions. Dry ground here lately thus poor ground for the ground wire 
and crepe myrtle (a tree) with spring sap flowing and deep tap root was 
providing a better ground and grew just close enough to set up a gap. A 
couple of the limbs I saw had flattened out around the old wood pole and 
probably the ground wire. It surprised me when i heard it down low on 
the pole with ultrasonic. And of course my doublet antenna end is within 
feet of this area. I was told all voltage in my county is 7.2kv.


On 5/26/21 11:15 AM, K9MA wrote:
> I have, back before they increased the voltage to 14 kV. The noise correlated well with branches swaying in the wind.  When I finally got the utility to trim the trees, the noise level went way down.
> At 14 kV, it seems that any contact with vegetation gets their attention immediately.
> 73,
> Scott K9MA
> ----------
> Scott Ellington
>   --- via iPad
>> On May 25, 2021, at 6:52 AM, Mike Martin <mike at rfiservices.com> wrote:
>> Contrary to what many people say about finding their sources as trees touching the line, I have never had a tree arching to the wire creating RF noise.

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