[RFI] Frustration thy name is 120hz

Charles Plunk af4o at twc.com
Sat Oct 23 11:37:46 EDT 2021

7.2kv/240 volt system here. 20+ years of 120hz issues on and off at this 
QTH. Current source details here; 

My current 120hz source stayed active for 2 months. Last weekend became 
inactive. Utility arrives yesterday of course with it inactive. Before I 
could get suitable clothes on, grab my HT/450mhz yagi, and going out to 
meet them the crew chief stated they found it (a loose stapled ground 
connection). I asked him did they check over the 7.2kv side (and several 
other questions) thoroughly which not much up there on that side. They 
said yes. So with it inactive, what more could I say.

I have sent them many emails from several of you edited down to the 
suggestions of what they should check. Appreciate those very much.

Currently source is still active but intermittent.


What are the chances of the source being on the 240v side of the pole 
being its a loud s9 at 2m at ~300' and can hear at 450mhz and portable 
yagi at ~150'?

Am I correct emphasizing to check the 7.2kv side?

Should I be frustrated they only spent about 20 minutes with the pole 
after me spending hours upon hours locating it?

With it intermittent (a burst of arcing maybe 30 seconds every 10 
minutes or so but very random) will it possibly cure itself thus should 
I wait before informing them its not fixed?

Thanks again for all the suggestions and excellent advise here.



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