[RFI] Splatter from AM Radio Station WNTS Indianapolis and Resolution

Gary Smith wa6fgi at steeltrails.net
Tue Oct 26 18:05:21 EDT 2021

Forgot to add, the tower has its own ground (bonding point) via 1 1/2 
copper strap to its own 8 foot long ground road.


On 10/26/2021 2:54 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 10/26/2021 2:22 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
>> The very few who have asked me about unwanted signals, when I ask if 
>> their station is grounded, I get some strange looks and mumbles and 
>> usually "I gotta go home and check".
> Most hams confuse Grounding and Bonding, which are VERY different. An 
> earth connection matters ONLY for lighting protection and electrical 
> safety. Bonding matters for those issues, and also minimizes hum, 
> buzz, and RFI. Bonding consists of tying together ALL earth 
> electrodes, all station equipment, the station common point, including 
> antenna entry panels and arrestors, towers that are adjacent to the 
> house, etc.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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