[RFI] Fwd: Water treatment system RFI?

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 20 20:50:52 EDT 2021

> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory evaluated one and found it had no effect:
>   https://www.osti.gov/biblio/567404

Wow, and years afterward, they were moving across the US like a plague. 
  A few years ago these came up in a forum, and I did some research, I 
think it was Germany that banned even possession of them due to RFI.

A few computers ago, so probably on floppies somewhere, I had archived 
numerous recordings of the different sounds of RFI produced by different 
models throughout the Ham bands.  There was even pages dedicated to just 
the noise these produce, identified by make, model, mode of operation, 
installation quality (wires tightly coiled as in the pics, compared to 
wires flopped about near pipes), bands, et cetera.  I wish I could 
recall the main page, but I do recall all the recordings were in the now 
less popular .rm media format.  A quick search of the web for keywords I 
recall didn't bring anything up.  I'm still in a forum where there was a 
lot of talk at the time, I'll ask there.


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