[RFI] A powerful weapon in our arsenal against grow-light RFI

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Tue Aug 2 14:52:01 EDT 2022

Hi Don,

Have you actually tested these lights?

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 8/2/22 11:01, Donald Chester wrote:
> Just pass this along as a "friendly, helpful FYI" to the suspected culprit.  If you prefer to remain anonymous, print it off and drop a copy in their mailbox.
> https://lushledlighting.com/rfi-can-land-visit-police-growing-problem-hps/
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