[RFI] Another Solar Panel RFI Victim

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 11:06:59 EST 2022

It would be interesting to know what their share of the US residential 
market is, to help explain what these numbers mean.

73, Pete N4ZR
One of the RBN team

On 12/13/2022 9:20 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> You can leap to the defense of Solar Edge and that's all well and
> good.  Everyone should have an advocate.  But I've been following this
> issue since it began, here on this email list and elsewhere, and every
> single time I read about a ham having a problem with a solar panel
> installation, the name that comes up again and again is Solar Edge.  I
> hear nothing or almost nothing about the other companies, but what I
> do hear is Solar Edge repeatedly.  Whether you like it or not, the
> perception is that this company's installations are bad news, and I
> don't think that is unjustified.  I am a simple guy.  Where there's
> smoke there's fire.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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