[RFI] NIMBY - Here’s how I dissuade my neighbors

Bob Kozlarek WA2SQQ wa2sqq at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 17:10:27 EST 2022

I’ve had a few people in my neighborhood consider installing solar panels.
I spoke to our fire inspector about the protocol the department has for
fighting a fire involving solar panels on the roof. Short version of the
long story is they will not go up on a roof or engage with the fire until
the panels are disabled. They are looking into a black tar like spray that
could be applied to the panels to disable them. He explained that the light
on an evening from a full moon can produce enough voltage to be very
hazardous to a fire fighter. New Jersey solar panel installers also
deceptively don’t inform the customer that they are signing away their
energy credits. In three cases, when my neighbors found out about this,
their response was thanks but no thanks I’m not interested. --

*Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
don't ask"*

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