[RFI] Led desk lamps

Dale svetanoff at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 26 19:40:35 EDT 2022

If you have not already done so, you might check out Amazon and eBay to see if they have what you want with fluorescent bulbs.  If not, another source could be places that carry used office equipment.  Finally, there is also a ham fest.  I've seen lots of those lamps you want at fests for many years.  I got mine at a used office equipment store.  As far as I know, you can still buy fluorescent tubes, but you may have to go on-line or to an industrial supply company to find them.  I don't know if Menard's or Home Depot carries them anymore.
73, Dale
-----Original Message-----
From: leonard keepers 
Sent: Jun 26, 2022 3:57 PM
Subject: [RFI] Led desk lamps
Hello group i have been shopping for a swing arm clamp on florescent desk lamp.every thing i see listed has Led bulbs.? would anyone have any suggestions on something that does not create RFI. thank you
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