[RFI] LED Canless fixtures

NA6MB Mike na6mb.mike at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 12:39:55 EST 2023

No direct experience with this one.
So far I am very lucky with the LEDS used in my house.
I only have one floodlight that is kind of noisy, but it is on a motion sensor and rarely on.

My suggestion would be to buy them with the caveat to the vendor that you can bring it back for any reason.
Or buy one, take it home and check out the RFI it produces.

Big box store brands change so often but it’s unlikely that you will find someone with direct experience on a particular device.

Good luck,

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 12, 2023, at 9:59 AM, PHILIP SNYDER <n9lah at comcast.net> wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with this product I found available at Lowes? It is a canless LED fixture that looks like what I would like but not a lot of info available about certification. This would be for lighting in my shack so they definitely would be used while operating.
> https://www.lowes.com/pd/Lithonia-Lighting-Integrated-LED-6-in-75-Watt-Equivalent-Matte-White-Round-Dimmable-Canless-Recessed-Downlight/5000183103 https://www.lowes.com/pd/Lithonia-Lighting-Integrated-LED-6-in-75-Watt-Equivalent-Matte-White-Round-Dimmable-Canless-Recessed-Downlight/5000183103
> Thanks
> Phil
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