[RFI] LED Canless fixtures

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 17:11:05 EST 2023

What I did was to buy one of the fixtures I was interested in from Home 
Depot and try everything I could think of to determine its RFI 
potential, including putting it on a long extension cord and sniffing 
with my portable HF radio.  For $8 or so it seemed like a good 
investment.  I'm going ahead with installing 8-12 of these in my 
basement ceiling =- They are Commercial Electric 1005 591 792, and are 
similarly can-less - in fact the package includes a template for cutting 
a hole in the ceiling sheet-rock, and the fixture then snaps in place 
with two retaining clips - pretty neat.

Oh BTW - the company (importer?)  was totally clueless about what's in 
their fixture - I guessed from the weight that it is at least in part a 
transformer, but when I asked I got a resounding "huh?"

73, Pete N4ZR

On 2/12/2023 12:39 PM, NA6MB Mike wrote:
> No direct experience with this one.
> So far I am very lucky with the LEDS used in my house.
> I only have one floodlight that is kind of noisy, but it is on a motion sensor and rarely on.
> My suggestion would be to buy them with the caveat to the vendor that you can bring it back for any reason.
> Or buy one, take it home and check out the RFI it produces.
> Big box store brands change so often but it’s unlikely that you will find someone with direct experience on a particular device.
> Good luck,
> Mike
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 12, 2023, at 9:59 AM, PHILIP SNYDER<n9lah at comcast.net>  wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience with this product I found available at Lowes? It is a canless LED fixture that looks like what I would like but not a lot of info available about certification. This would be for lighting in my shack so they definitely would be used while operating.
>> https://www.lowes.com/pd/Lithonia-Lighting-Integrated-LED-6-in-75-Watt-Equivalent-Matte-White-Round-Dimmable-Canless-Recessed-Downlight/5000183103  https://www.lowes.com/pd/Lithonia-Lighting-Integrated-LED-6-in-75-Watt-Equivalent-Matte-White-Round-Dimmable-Canless-Recessed-Downlight/5000183103
>> Thanks
>> Phil
>> N9LAH
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