[RFI] Powerline noise question

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 15:19:34 EST 2023

Hi Rick,

Here is a link to one of my videos showing what typical electric fence RFI
sounds like: https://youtu.be/M99kyixyLnc

Here is a link to another hams video (EI4GYB) showing his electric fence
RFI and its very similar to what you hear in my video and you will find
other videos online that also sound similar: https://youtu.be/eFo80SXvKY0

Nothing about your recording would point me towards an electric fence, and
everything about your recording and rain comment points me directly at
power line noise.

73 and good luck with the monsoon.
Don wd8dsb

On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 2:35 PM Richard (Rick) Karlquist <
richard at karlquist.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the help.  As luck would have it, right now we seem
> to be in monsoon season.  Rain every day for the next 2 weeks.
> It will give me time to build the DXE version of your antenna.
> I did spend a lot of time driving along the road with the noise
> looking at barbed wire cattle fences.  Did NOT spot any yellow
> insulators, so I am leaning in favor of power lines.
> 73
> Rick N6RK

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