[RFI] Sinusoidal type noise on 6 meters (wx3k at yahoo.com)

Chris L. Parker parker601 at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 4 18:05:46 EDT 2023


No, it is definitely NOT corona. Corona is an EHV phenomenon, and appears only on transmission lines, not distribution lines such as the lines you described in a residential neighborhood. Plus, corona does not make the type of noise heard on your video. (ref: "AC Power Interference Handbook" by Marv Loftness SK KB7KK)

I would suggest engaging your local ARRL Section to see if they have an RFI PLN Technical Specialist to assist you in determining the source and resolving the noise. You can track it down yourself if you are handy and have the equipment and there are many resources on the Internet that describe the process.

Hope this helps.

ARRL RFI PLN Technical Specialist, Los Angeles Section

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