[RFI] Sinusoidal type noise on 6 meters

Stephanie WX3K wx3k at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 23 15:27:03 EST 2023

Thank you Jim for your great input on my issue. Cheap Switching supplies are just crap. I also have some additional noise whirling through the 6 meter band because of holiday lighting now. The ANC4 is looking better every day !

Based on my DF findings and the RFI patterns, i believe there maybe an appliance that gets used in the evenings at roughly the same time. Could be lighting also. Not sure. I need to approach my neighbor sometime somehow. 

Everyone that chimed in with advice, thank you. Its appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving 

73 Stephanie

> On Nov 20, 2023, at 5:47 AM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
> On 11/20/2023 1:16 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> This is clearly power-handling electronics,
> Some tutorial thoughts for those with less technical background, and who have not taken the time to study enough to have earned their license, which both requires and depends upon technical competence! We have the operating permissions we do BECAUSE we supposed to be are technically competent. I am one of many who studied the ARRL License Manual to pass our license exams (me at age 14), but the responsible ham goes back and works to actually LEARN that stuff. For many of us, it led to a career in some form of electronics or communications. I ended up in broadcasting and pro audio; others put us on the Moon and Mars. K4BAI and W6OAT, both of whom I worked fairly often as teenagers, became lawyers and a bankruptcy judge. At age 82, I'm still trying to learn new stuff, and all my life I've tried to share what I've learned.
> Traditional power supplies rectify to produce half-sine DC, which must be filtered to produce DC. Because the power frequency is 60 Hz, that requires larger filter caps (translate to more expensive and large).
> Switch-mode power supplies include the traditional power supply, but then use that DC to produce square waves in the range of 10 kHz; their period is FAR shorter, so the required filter caps are MUCH smaller, and cheaper. As one of the earliest measures to save energy, switch-mode power supplies were mandated by law a couple of decades ago, but Congress failed to fund the FCC to enforce their own Rules (Federal Law) that required that they not cause harmful interference. It is safe to assume that 99.9% of these products are noise generators.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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