[RFI] [RSGBTechnical] SolarEdge optimiser RFI

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 16:48:33 EDT 2023

QUOTE (from Chris):  But the fact that SE (ED:  Solar Edge) have engaged in
some sort of active solution and appear to be somewhat responsive is indeed
a good sign that finally they are taking this issue more seriously.

This is ONLY due to the fact that here in the USofA, the FCC knows there is
a problem and is hard put to address the problem (due to the magnitude of
the problem and the way this is addressed in CFR-47).  Nor do they, these
days with lawyer-hungry federal agencies, have the resources to genuinely
address the problem.  Therefore, in the USofA, FCC and ARRL have formed an
unofficial "bond" or unofficial cooperative relationship on this issue.
ARRL and the FCC are working hand-in-hand on the problem.  Both have
focused on SE due to their larger installed base wrt to competitors and
they seem to be the best generators of RF energy and clearly have learned
how to radiate that energy in a most efficient manner.  This, of course,
applies to the vast majority of their "standard" installation.


On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 5:39 AM David G4GTP via groups.io <radiomax=
mail.com at groups.io> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:01 PM, Chris G3VCR wrote:
> >
> > In an earlier thread started in September I explained that a new next
> door
> > neighbour had let me know he was planning a solar panel installation
> using
> > SolarEdge optimisers and had my fears of RFI confirmed by many
> contributors.
> > This is an update.
> >
> Must admit this is a rare ray of light regarding this worrying RFI issue,
> especially as price of solar panels seems to be one of the few things
> reducing in price while maximum power outputs per panel are increasing.
> It's now possible to get 500W panels at relatively low cost which can only
> mean ever more solar installations. However, I note that SE offer at least
> 5 different optimisers in their "domestic" range. Let's hope this "update"
> covers all of them and also that their engineer's take on them performing
> "brilliantly" would accord with our interpretation as HF users! Also I
> wonder how many other companies produce optimisers and if they are
> similarly afflicted?
> But the fact that SE have engaged in some sort of active solution and
> appear to be somewhat responsive is indeed a good sign that finally they
> are taking this issue more seriously.
> Also I wonder if the current range of optimisers produce hash at all
> levels of operation? i.e. if half the panels in a string are shaded and the
> other half in full sun, one imagines that only half of the optimisers would
> actually be actively employed, so in other words the level of RFI may well
> be sunlight level dependent? So Tony, maybe needs monitoring in all light
> conditions (and at different frequencies) before coming to a conclusion?
> Heartening though that so far no increased RFI.
> Tony and Chris, please do report back with future updates.
> 73
> David
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*Dave - WØLEV*

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