[RFI] Source power pole located - but wonder which components most likely temperature sensitive
Facility 406
facility_406 at bruteforcedevelopment.com
Tue Jan 30 14:05:29 EST 2024
> "Believe me, it's
> an accepted practice."
> No, it is not "an accepted practice". You are not to be believed. It is a
> dangerous practice.
Clearly "common" was meant, and has been for over a century, and still
suggested, to this day, 30th January, 2024. Really, "About 17,200,000
results (0.37 seconds)", in one search engine alone. Believe it. The
rest of the world does, you can see it. As a suggestion, or practice,
good, or bad, is irrelevant.
The rest of the suggestion, is, if one doesn't have a big enough hammer,
use a truck, and beyond that, hit it with the bumper (not suggested with
modern plastic garbage), or yank on the pole with a chain. How soon we
forget. Personally, I don't suggest those methods.
"OK, Michael. I will cease spreading old and dangerous techniques for
finding bad connections on power poles."
Seriously, it won't even matter. A couple dozen people here knowing
better, relative to the rest of the global population, all those they
learned from, now long gone, and everyone they will tell for generations
to come....
Here are some pics that make the few theoretical perfect poles (we've
all heard about them) seem like fantasy. Change to the country of
choice, but these are fair examples:
Brasil is nice. Check out this energy saving water heating shower head
(one can research further the infrastructure that allows it to briefly
P.S. As of 2013 (when I watched this regularly), the local utility,
NVEnergy, specifically linemen, and those looking for, and resolving
RFI, was still whacking poles with sledge hammers, so as of then, the
practice was accepted, used, and maybe even common. When asked about
it, the response was, "I fixed it!" Bloody genius.
Still getting a kick out of, "Mystery Noise (Aren't they all)", no, they
are all unique, and most everything ever created can be ruled out, just
by the sound. Lawn mower ignition doesn't sound like a laptop, which
doesn't sound like AC mains, which in your house, doesn't sound like
3-phase, which doesn't sound like a plasma TV, which doesn't sound like
a remote control, which doesn't sound like a smart phone, none of which
sound like anything legit when actively sniffing for sudden, and
unexpected "RFI", and so on. Yeah, you may not get the make, model,
serial number, store that sold, or location within a random house of
where the offending device is, but almost everything can be ruled out at
the beginning. Don't stare at poles, or old pickup trucks, when
wavering harmonics are heard every 200kHz, and didn't show up until a
few days ago, chances are everything that existed before that, isn't it.
Back to feigning accomplishment...
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