Dan K2YWE dan.k2ywe at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 16:09:57 EST 2024

Does anyone of the Infinity owners have the oil heat option? It seems like
their online tool always combines a heat pump (rather than simple AC) unit
with the oil furnace, making me think it's a heat pump system with oil used
for supplemental heat, something I don't want. We are too used to having
hot air to come out of the vents.

73, Dan

On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 3:58 PM Gary Johnson via RFI <rfi at contesting.com>

> I wanted to mention one other good strategy that these new
> adjustable-speed drives are using: For most of the motors, they integrate
> all the power electronics right into the motor assembly, thus eliminating
> wires on the output side where the commutating waveforms and high
> circulating currents are present. Then they are applying proper RFI
> suppression to the incoming AC lines, again built right into the motor
> assembly. So the potential antenna lengths are greatly reduced and I’m
> seeing how effective this strategy actually is. The only motor without this
> approach is the big compressor, and that has a HUGE filter network nearby
> and also twisted wires to the motor, all inside a steel enclosure. Carrier
> was not being cheap or sloppy, and it shows.
> Gary NA6O
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