[RFI] FW: RF noise and ground

Paul Christensen pchristensen at ieee.org
Mon Jan 27 14:26:49 EST 2025

>"...and the concept of "single point," the resulting major mistakes that

I've not liked that term for a number of reasons.  It implies a single
continuity point at which grounding occurs.  In reality, our equipment has
many grounding paths that don't meet at one point.  Its unavoidable.  For
example, consider the many grounded connectors on the rear panel of our gear
and their termination points.  Those points have continuity to the AC panel
ground system in
addition to appliances in the home and any such single point that's

At my remote site, a total of 50 ground rods are used, some of which are 24
ft in length to hit a water table; the purpose of which is to drive down
earthing resistance.  Those rods are placed in rings around two towers, in a
ring around the comm shelter, AC power entrance, and at points to a Hi-Z 8
circle array.  There's no "single point" where earthing occurs, nor do I
want it to.  In this case there are more than 50 aggregated single point
grounding connections.

The above said, I do use a grounding *common point* that brings rings
together at a copper master ground bus bar just outside the comm shelter
cable entrance.  Directly beneath that bus is another 24 ft. ground rod.
This common point is what's being used by others as being termed a "single
point ground."

So, when we say "single point ground" perhaps its better described as a
bonded system common point, or some variant thereof, but not a "single point

Paul, W9AC            

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