[RSM] TRF Swap Meet

Jack vhfplus at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 12:21:41 EDT 2016

Just a reminder that the Thief River Falls swap-meet will be held on 
Saturday. It is planned to be at Zion Lutheran Church, 505 Main Ave N, 
in TRF at 9AM.

The location could change but you can check on that on the TRF repeater 
(146.850/146.250, no PL) when you are in the area.

Yes, I know this is the CQ WW SSB weekend, but Shelley and I are going 
to run Multi-One/LP (as AC0MN) but we'll only be in TRF for a few hours 
and will have plenty of operating time starting Friday evening, *if* 
solar conditions cooperate!


Shelley, AC0MN
Karlstad, MN (EN18rn)

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