[RSM] RAC Winter Contest Sked

Ed ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Fri Dec 29 13:46:56 EST 2017

Greetings RSM'ers


Well it appears I will be using the VE4RAC call or the contest. I would like
to propose the following schedule for running the bands for local members.


Starting at 0500z  (11 pm CST), anybody interested can meet on 14.203. Once
everyone is there,  We can start on 2m and work our way down to 160. If you
don't have propagation or equipment on a certain band. Just go to the next
band in sequence and wait for us.  We will do SSB first then CW.


Band      CW         SSB

2              144.030                 146.52

6              50.090                   50.125

10           28.053                   28.403

15           21.053                   21.403

20           14.053                   14.203

40           7.053                     7.118

80           3.553                     3.747

160         1.823                     1.863


For those member not  in the local area, I hope to hear you on the lower


Happy new years everyone!




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