[RSM] 2018 ARRL Sweepstakes CW

Cary Rubenfeld carys1 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 09:17:03 EDT 2018

I’m still not feeling strong or well enough to do a serious effort in CW
Sweepstakes, so Rich VE3KI has generously offered to operate my station
with his VE4 call sign, VE4AEO with a full effort and give the new antenna
it’s first shakedown.

For those who may not have heard I encountered a previously unknown drug
eruption just before CQWW while visiting Curacao and PJ2T last weekend.  It
was triggered by exposure to the sun.  I operated part of one amazing shift
on 15m, but I don’t remember much else, as I spent the next 5 days in

While I can’t prove it, I’m almost positive it was a cunning and strategic
move by VE4EAR/VT to lure me to Curacao and reduce the VE4 competition  for
when we get home.  Ed got me to volunteer to help him repair one of the
PJ2T beverage antennas in the tropical sun.  That started the downhill
spiral.    ;-)

Who else plans to get on from RSM and in what class? If you can get on the
air for even just a few contacts you’ll find lots of greatful and helpful
ops eager for the VE4 multiplier and commenting (after the contest) what a
great showing from Manitoba (and RSM).

Don’t let speed “throw” you. Listen for the other stations callsign a few
times and then send at your own comfortable speed.  Thinking back over the
years and when I first tackled CW contesting, it was Sweepstakes that
helped me “turn the corner” in copying and CW comprehension.  I predict the
same for anyone else who tries their hand this weekend.

Please post your plans for SS and Go RSM!

73, Cary. VE4EA
(Wounded but not defeated)

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