[RSM] RSM Mantra

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 23:01:31 EST 2019

My Dear RSM Members,

I grabbed this from the RSM web site ....

Radiosport Manitoba is a locol group of amateur radio operators
interested in fostering growth and operation of the HF bands for
contest operation and DX hunting

A local group. that's the foundation of RSM. To promote local recognition,
education and
camaraderieship in contesting, dxing and HF operating in general.

IMHO every activity at RSM needs to support the above mission statement of
RSM and in doing
so will reap buckets of benefits for RSM and their individual members. To
do this in  all activities,
all programs, all RSM stuff must be for the great good of the group and its
individual members.

Job#1 - increase membership and have fun doing so
Job #2 - every activity delivers a learning experience to RSM members
Job #3 - repeat JOB 1 and JOB 2* continuously*

What we called at my MBA course "wash, rinse and repeat"

As a RSM member, I believe local content and helping each other grow within
RSM mission statement will result in a better stronger RSM.

Stuff we can work at ....

*How do build a city lot station, what works, what does work
*Logging software skill building
*SSB operating skill building
*CW operating skill building
*operating DX and domestic contests from a local perspective
* RSM peer recognition of RSM members operating activities at each and
every meeting
* who got what into their log this last month in DXing
*create a RSM member awards program
*run a mini CW & SSB contest at the meeting

Discussing operating skills, here are a couple of links of contest action
at VE6SV



>From this how do we improve our pile-up skills ...

I present this to the RSM for an open discussion to improve the organization
what do you think?

Yours very truly,

Gord VE6SV

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