Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 17:51:38 EST 2020

Hello RSM Members,

An Invitation

VE6SV is planning to do *CQWW WPX SSB,* as it's a good rate contest and
somewhat insulated to propagation
and NA, Central America, SA has lots of prefixes. Even with muted prop to
Europe and Japan putting Qs
in the log is always possible.

Dates: Friday, March 27 start 0000Z (1800MST)  -   Sunday, March 29 end
0000Z (1800MST)

Spectrum Amateur *confirmed* we have been authorized the use of *VC6R*
for both SSB and CW events for WPX.

Our entry of either M/S or M2 will be decided on the team size. The team
did enjoy the M2 as WPX has *band change per hour rule* that at times is
tough to manage, especially against our local band openings.

This year will be the 22nd running of WPX at VE6SV and the 7th year using
VC6R. On a personal fact this will be my 27th entry in WPX.

This is a great contest for action, given it's a rate contest and I have
secured a special prefix,
prefixes are the multipliers for WPX. Then with the double the QSO points
for the lowbands
rate again is King.

Newbies are very welcome ....we will train you to be a rate king!

73, Gord VE6SV

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