[RSM] CQ 160M CW -- K3KU

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 12:01:45 EST 2020

 Class: Single Op LP
 Operating Time (hrs): 8

 QSOs = 400
 State/Prov = 49
Countries = 12
Total Score = 58,926

Even we peanut whistles could tell that condx were fantastic.  One of
the few contests where I have more fun in MD than I would in MB (the
big runs from Mid-Atlantic just edging out VE4EA's one-contest Worked
All States).  Canada QSOs sparse outside ON and QC.  No MB heard at

Full write-up (I think it's pretty entertaining) at

73, Art K3KU/VE4VTR
"Tune for Maximum Fun"

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