[RSM] VE6RAC - A Very Lonely Night

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 22:15:30 EDT 2020

Funny thing about that...

It happened to me... twice.  On 20 and 40...  I am pointed east, busy
running guys, and I hear a weak one in there.  Start switching directions
to find him.
Lo and behold - there is VE4RAC - CQing away - on my frequency!  Takes a
few tries to get his attention, and in the log he goes.

No idea how this worked out.  Clearly, with me pointed east, he could not
hear me.  Its just the luck of the draw that - point west, and there he
is!  I am looking for him, and all I need to do is point the right way <big

No complaints - just glad he went in the log :-)

Tom - VE3CX


On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 2:39 AM Gord Kosmenko <gord.kosmenko at gmail.com>

> It's a very lonely, noisy night with endless unanswered CQ's
> no VE4's on 160M tonight on any mode ....
> Where's VE4RAC ?
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/fol6b5zt6bhtzya/IMG_0376.jpg?dl=0
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