[RSM] Sunspots and 10-meters

Jack vhfplus at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 23:54:38 EST 2020

Just out of curiosity I started the 1900Z CWOps Mini-test on 10 meters 
and, to my surprise, it was open! I worked KH6/NA2U (S9+), TI7W (S4-5), 
and K6NR (S9)...the ONLY signals heard on the band! I looked at some of 
the logs submitted to 3830 Scores and, sure enough, almost no one had 
any Qs on 10, not even the big guns. The band HAD to have been open for 
some of them, especially the people at lower latitudes. :<(

I hope folks get out of the sunspot minima mindset and at least pay 
attention to 10 this weekend.



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