[RSM] ARRL 10M Contest Result--K0JP

Jack K0JP vhfplus at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 19:15:59 EST 2021

I listened carefully when I saw spots but no RSM folks heard here. In 
fact, no VEs at all!

>                      ARRL 10-Meter Contest - 2021
> Call: K0JP
> Operator(s): K0JP
> Station: K0JP
> Class: SO Mixed Unlimited LP
> QTH: Karlstad, MN
> Operating Time (hrs): 9:00
> Summary:
>   Band  QSOs  Mults
> -------------------
>     CW:  55     18
>    SSB:  19     10
> -------------------
> Total:  74     28  Total Score = 7,224
> Club: Radiosport Manitoba
> Comments:
> Very strange. Saturday was a complete wash but Sunday was very good. The most
> bizarre aspect of the contest was the face I had no DXCC entities on CW but
> managed to work both LU and PY (3 of 'em)on SSB! Go figure. Called CX7SS and
> CE3CT often but no joy on either.
> Another very odd thing was a lack of 7th call area stations. My usual pipeline
> to WWA opened mid-day Saturday for a few minutes and K7RL was worked but that
> was it! Worked all of the 10th call area, save for SD and ND. My only MN was
> N0UY, 35 miles to my south, on CW for my first QSO Saturday. All other MN
> activity is 200+ miles south-southeast of me and well out of range. Nothing
> heard east of OH and MI and only TN and AL worked in the 4th call area
> N1MM Logger says an operating time of 5 hours 16 minutes but the real total was
> more like 9 hours with at least 2-1/2 hours of fruitless CQing on Saturday.
> This was more fun that I would have guessed from the SSN and SFI.



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