[RSM] World Amateur Radio Day - 18 April 2021

ed_richardson at shaw.ca ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 28 11:41:00 EST 2021

Time again to start making your plans for World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) which is Sunday April 18.  WARD marks the founding of the IARU in Paris in 1925.  Similar to last year, all the RAC stations are getting activated and of course that includes VE4RAC.  


Last year, RAC stations from across Canada were activated by RAC members right across the country. Anyone who made a contact with any RAC station could download a beautiful PDF certificate.  


A distinctive certificate for 2021 is in development.


If you are interested in activating the VE4RAC call sign, you must meet these two requirements:

1. be a member of RAC; 

2. provide a complete electronic log in ADIF or Cabrillo format to racqsl at rac.ca <mailto:racqsl at rac.ca>  . 


For WARD 2021, the logs must be in by 2359 UTC on 25 April 2021.  Late logs may cause some people to be denied certificates that they earned in good faith, and that would be bad for RAC.


Any RAC call sign can be on multiple bands and modes at the same time.  This allows you to designate multiple Amateurs to use any particular RAC call sign in your region.  However, they must coordinate their activity so that we do not have two stations with the same call sign on the same band-mode combination.  That means we can have VA3RAC on 20ssb, 20cw and 20digital all at the same time, but we should not have two VA3RACs on 20ssb at the same time.  


If you are interested in participating, send me your name and I can start to make a schedule for those interested in activating VE4RAC.





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