[RSM] so many antennas, so little room

David Latour ve4dla at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 13:07:48 EST 2021

This Spring I will have to return the GAP Titan to its owner. I have in a
box an OCFD that has never been put up (paid a whole $5, balun included). I
have on order a balun for a military fan dipole, but it may never arrive
(didn't 2 years ago.) I have JUST enough space for an 80-10m EFLW, but it
will be pricey to fit up the parts from the States. Does anyone have much
real experience with either of these? Advice is always welcome. I can get
any of these 20' above my roof (13') on fiberglass poles.

73 de David VE4DL

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