[RSM] Radios

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mymts.net
Sat May 1 13:17:05 EDT 2021

Hi all,

It’s been an eye-opening few weeks: as a project, I took a look at some of the higher-end radios showing up on SWAP.QTH.COM <http://swap.qth.com/>, comparing them to Rob Sherwood’s Receiver Test Data page.

For example: there’s an IC-7700 for $2,700. It ranks worse on Rob’s page than an FT-901DM (yes, the late 1970s hybrid…), and much, much worse than an FTdx-10 for sale for $1,500. The FTdx-10 is right behind the No.1 radio, the FTdx-101.

The FTdx-10 ranks better than a K3S, which are FS for anywhere from $1,990 to $3,000, depending on options.

The absolute bargain in receiver performance appears to be the (hold on to your hat, Leor), the TS590SG.

Now, I just wish someone would do a chart like Rob’s but for transmission purity…

73, kelly, ve4xt,

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