[RSM] RSM Digest, Vol 62, Issue 3

ve4dla at gmail.com ve4dla at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 10:33:36 EDT 2021

Definitely A

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 5, 2021, at 11:07, rsm-request at contesting.com wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Sweepstakes (ed_richardson at shaw.ca)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 21:26:38 -0500
> From: <ed_richardson at shaw.ca>
> To: "'rsm'" <rsm at contesting.com>
> Subject: [RSM] Sweepstakes
> Message-ID: <003401d7d1ec$90ae7b80$b20b7280$@shaw.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"
> Now that CQWW is behind us, we are moving along to CW sweepstakes this
> coming weekend.  Start time is 2100z (4pm CDT) and ends at 0300z or (9pm
> CST) Sunday night local. You are allowed to operate for    only 24 of the 30
> hours allote. Statistically the slowest period of time is from 0600z to
> 01200z. Most folks take that as the rest/sleep time. Just to complicate
> things, there is a time change which impacts the local clock but not GMT
> time.  
> Rember you can only work stations once. The common strategy is you work the
> close in stations on 80/40, everybody else on 20.  You may be able to run
> this contest on 2 bands 40/20. The advantage to going to 15 is just less
> QRM. Not a big deal on CW.right?
> Some of the rarer sections, like vy1, vyo often don't run and you will only
> work them if you call CQ.  For CW, be prepared as everyone needs MB so the
> more of us that get on, the easier it will be for all of us.  It is no fun
> being the only VE4 on in CW as the moment you call CQ, if have an incredibly
> zero beat mono tone pileup to contend with.  Perhaps Rob and Kelly are
> prero's at handling this dc tone, but it sure scares me at times.  You
> recent attendees of CW academy will do just fine!
> So pick your category,
> A= low power <150W,
> B is high power<1500W
> Q= QRP <5
> U= Assisted, any power
> S= School stations
> Dig up your Check (CK). The last 2 digits of the year you were licensed. 
> Now make sure your F2 message is set with the correct message format. Your
> reply should be in the following order.
> Callsign of the other station, progressive serial number, Precedence, your
> callsign, Check, your section.
> So your first contact will look like this.
> W1AW 0001 A VE4XXX 15 MB
> Where 0001 is the serial number, A is low power, 15 is 2015, MB is of course
> Manitoba.
> When copying the other stations exchange, N1MM will let you enter the info
> in almost any order, in case you missed a part of the exchange and need a
> fill.
> Everyone is looking for the "SWEEP"  where they contact every one of the 83
> ARRL sections.  If you are working on your WAS award, no better chance the
> sweepstakes.
> .So who is getting on and what Precedence will you be using?    I will
> likely be  either high power U or A if no one else takes that category.
> Ed Richardson
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> RSM mailing list
> RSM at contesting.com
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> ------------------------------
> End of RSM Digest, Vol 62, Issue 3
> **********************************

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