[RSM] K3KU in ARRL 160M and 10M Contests -- RSM version

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 11:15:41 EST 2022


The above is a list of all the Manitobans I worked in those two contests.
I spent only a few hours in each.  You can look up details on 3830scores.com
if you are interested.

160M Saturday night was a little disappointing, but the propagation
was just not there.  Almost nothing beyond the Father of Waters -- only
three MN, no MO; even the Big Guns in COand AZ were weak and couldn't hear

On 10M Sunday, there were lots of AB, starting around 1630Z; then SK got
louder; then a loud ND and a couple of SD.  I kept hoping the skip would
get right, but never heard MB.  And I did not even QSO MN.

Wait 'til next year!

I hope to be in the RSM meeting Thursday evening.

73, Art K3KU

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