[RSM] Fwd: [MWA] Central States VHF Society 2022 online event registration is now open!

Jack K0JP vhfplus at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 11:37:42 EDT 2022

In case members who operate VHF/UHF/Microwave may be interested here is 
information on the upcoming Central States VHF Conference in La Crosse, WI.

Jack, VA4JP/K0JP

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[MWA] Central States VHF Society 2022 online event 
registration is now open!
Date: 	Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:36:30 +0000 (UTC)
From: 	Jon Platt via MWA <mwa at w0aa.org>
Reply-To: 	Jon Platt <w0zq at aol.com>, Minnesota Wireless Association 
<mwa at w0aa.org>
To: 	mwa at w0aa.org <mwa at w0aa.org>
CC: 	Jon Platt <w0zq at aol.com>

If you have an interest in the World Above 50 MHz, here is an 
opportunity for those of us who live here in the Upper Midwest. The 
Central States VHF Society Conference is being held in La Crosse, WI, 
July 21 through 23.  I can tell you with high confidence that this 
yearly conference will not be held as close to us as this for several 
years to come, so opportunity is knocking if you have an interest.  
  Registration is now open as outlined in the email attached below from 
this years conference President and fellow MWAer, W9FZ.

73, Jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Richardson via All-members <all-members at csvhfs.org>
To: all-members at csvhfs.org
Sent: Wed, Jun 15, 2022 10:55 pm
Subject: [All-members] Central States VHF Society 2022 online event 
registration is now open!

Hello CSVHFS members,
Thank you for your patience!  I hope most of you made your plans earlier 
and have booked hotel rooms.  (More on hotel rooms in another email.)
Now you can look over the activities and meals and make your 
selections.  Or if not attending, you can pay annual CSVHFS dues and 
order a Proceedings to be mailed out.
Please go to https://2022.csvhfs.org .  There is a tab for 
“Registration”.  I think it would be best if you used a laptop/desktop 
to go through the online registration.
Clicking on the “Registration” tab will take you to a long page with 
many choices.  If you are just paying your annual dues and, perhaps, 
buying a proceedings to be mailed out, you will scroll all the way to 
the bottom and make your selections there.
An alternative to the online registration process is to printout the 
downloadable .pdf of a Registration Form. Fill it out and mail it in and 
we will get your choices and selections that way.
We know that some of you can’t attend due to ongoing COVID health 
concerns.  We understand completely.  We hope that next year’s (2023) 
conference will work for you.  For the rest of you, we are glad that you 
are interested in trekking to La Crosse, WI to see your VHF friends and 
experience the CSVHFS conference.
If you register and then later have changes, rather than register again, 
just email us at registration at csvhfs.org and we will work with you in 
plain English to update your record and work with you to resolve any 
money issues.
You do NOT have to pay via PayPal.  You may if you wish. But mailed-in 
checks are just fine (as long as mailed by July 15^th ).  After July 
15^th , please don’t mail a check.  Either use PayPal or bring a check 
to the registration table at the event.  Still go through the online 
process so we can capture your meal and event choices.
PLEASE consider arriving early enough on Thursday to join us for the 
Thursday night Paddleboat Dinner Cruise on the La Crosse Queen.  Yes, it 
is $55.  You get either Prime Rib or Baked Chicken and you get a 
beautiful view of La Crosse and the Mississippi River Valley.  Further, 
you get to socialize with all of the other attendees.  This will be a 
fun and entertaining activity—be a part of it!
CSVHFS has been in “beta-test” for this registration for the past 3 
days.  The following hams found our link and went ahead and registered.  
We thank them for helping us with the beta test.  We have their data and 
they DO NOT need to register again.  Thank you to: KC0ZRY, N0AKC, W0VG, 
We look forward to you making your selections for this year’s conference 
in La Crosse!
Bruce Richardson W9FZ
2022 President Central States VHF Society
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