Sun, 19 Aug 2001 22:02:22 -0500
2001 SARTG WW RTTY Contest
Sponsored by the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group.
Location: Indiana
__X_ Single OP., All Band
QSOs Points DX: Call Areas
80m: 14 135 2 8
40m: 29 200 3 9
20m: 112 1370 30 19
15m: 157 2145 39 16
10m: 4 55 3 1
Total: 518,050
Radio: FT-1000MP Mk V (70 watts)
Ant(s): TH6DXX, 40 sloper, 80 dipole
Software: WriteLog/MMTTY
A storm and family reunion cut into some of my time. But did not
plan to work all the hours. At my age, the 8 on, 8 off make life a bit
easier. Enjoy watching the computer program do it's stuff and try to
laugh at all the mistakes I make operating it. I concur with DK3VN's
comment about the sound card based programs. I was one of those
that couldn't always zero on a station because the MMTTY AFC kept
activating without command. I'll be there is fix? A nice contest.
Vern W9HLY