[RTTY] Re: Your secret

Tom Moore wx4tm@mindspring.com
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 11:34:13 -0500

w9hly@decaturnet.com wrote:
> Interesting statement about a temporary fix for the flashing AFC
> button.
> Can you share the secret? Yes, it won't be a secret any long if you
> do.
> Tks for exchange in SCC.
> Vern W9HLY

I fully realize the mmtty engine plug-in is provided as
a 'beta' test.. even with a few problems, I think most
everyone concurs it works pretty darn good.. but there's
a few bugs and I'm sure the developers will get them
ironed out soon.. hopefully before the CQWW.. hi hi

During the  SARTG and SCC contests and as mention on this
reflector, many of us experienced problems with the "AFC"
button always coming on - on the RITTY Control Panel..

this created several problems.. especially for S&P ops..
not only would the receive freq change but the mark xmit freq
would also change..

During SCC, I experimented with the 'options' settings and
found that every time I hit enter or clear the AFC button
would come on..  I decided to experiment with the option
settings.. described below.. these settings did not toally
resolve the problem but made it much more manageable.. the
AFC button still comes on but the affect seemed to be much
less.. additionally, the xmit mark freq rarely changed..(push
the 'HAM' button to reset)
This is what seemed to work 'for me' with only a few hrs
of experimentation.. it may or may not work for you..

For those running AFSK, this won't help you..
I'm running a FT990 using the "sound card +com-TxD (FSK) selection
(on mmtty Rtty control panel) select option, then the 'misc' button
at the RTTY Control Panel (mmtty engine panel)

select Options
then the AFC/ATC/PLL button
in the AFC block area,  under shift, select FSK

in the ATC block area, select ATC

then the OK button at the bottom

back on the main control panel, make sure the "ATC" button is

good luck


Tom Moore WX4TM