Shelby Summerville k4ww@home.com
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 04:56:30 -0400

NH6XM wrote: "One thing I noted during this contest was lots of ops using
the "wkd b4" key. Just a hint folks, work 'em even if they show as a dupe"

The "wkd b4" key became a habit, especially using WF1B v4.5c, as I would
find "dupes", usually the first contact in a contest, and the first contact
made on each band change! Neither Ray or anyone on the WF1B refelctor had
experienced this problem, nor knew of any fix? I haven't experienced this
problem with v5.02, but the habit is still there. Rather than search my log,
post contest, searching for dupes that aren't "really" dupes, I use the "b4"
key. I have had only ONE station request another contact, because my call
was not in their log. I also use the "time worked" comment in the "b4" line!
That allows a search of their log indicating exactly whom they worked at
that time! It also allows another station to correct their log, during the
contest time frame!
C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW