[RTTY] Bandwidth of a RTTY signal
Kok Chen
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 09:13:54 -0700
on 8/28/01 11:48 PM, Waldemar DK3VN at dk3vn@arcormail.de wrote:
> When I am searching for new stations (S&P), I am switching to the
> 250/250Hz combination (in the first IF and second IF stages), to find
> the weak ones also, who are CQ-ing very close to a very strong station or
> are "sitting" between two strong stations.
Ah! I think OM Waldemar has the key. I am predominatly a S&P guy
during contests. I hardly ever CQ in DX contests, and when I do,
I hardly get any replies. I don't think it is a case of my filters
being too narrow, but the case of being a peanut whistle :-).
So the question to ask, perhaps, is: when you are digging for
that weak DX (say North Cook for Eu ops), what filter setting do
you use to dig the signal out, to get best print? That, dear
folks, is -your- (milage may vary for others :-) optimal detection
I have a question for DXpedition ops on the other side of a pileup
(Garry?). What filter settings do you use to get a print from
the pile?
Chen, AA6TY