[RTTY] Ummm...

Kok Chen kchen@ricochet.net
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 12:34:27 -0700

Uncle Sam wrote:
>One KO4__ station answered my CQ but then wouldn't work me after hearing 
>the report. Says he doesn't work hams who use CB handles!!!

I am shocked, shocked, I tell you, that people would be using
CB handles on the ham bands!

The KO4 probably missed the year when everyone was using Monica
(especially on the CW NAQP).  Or the time when all the Dubya's 

Probably would have made him happy by saying "name is Jim, exchange 
is Cannibal in Illinois."

I didn't work a single Bubba this time, but Bo's of various 
forms surfaced.

Walt, umm, I mean Wizard, asked me why I didn't find a fun moniker
to use.  When I used Greenspan, I jinxed the economy.  And after I 
used Cheney, California had rolling blackouts!  No more funny names 
for me (hah!).

Chen, AA6TY